Trond Grande and Dag Huse are asked about Carine Smith Ihenacho’s email address

Vincent B. Le Corre
Subject: Email address of the Chief Compliance Officer Ms. Carine Smith Ihenacho
Date sent: April 6, 2023, 23:43 +0800 (China Standard Time)
Trond Grande (Deputy CEO of NBIM),
Dag Huse (CRO of NBIM)
Dear Messrs. Grande and Huse,
My name is [REDACTED FOR PRIVACY (note: but I of course gave them my real name)]. I attach a scan of my expired passport and my current Chinese driver’s license. I also attach the decision of the European Court of Human Rights to grant me anonymity for past, present, and future proceedings in respect to the case I am going to talk about.
At least, later, I don’t need to send these documents anymore and I don’t need to mention my name in our communications which are meant to be published online for transparency purpose in this unprecedented major criminal RICO case.
I don’t want to have to repeat myself too many times. Therefore, before I start, I need to ask you for the email address of the Chief Compliance Officer Ms. Carine Smith Ihenacho. I already have Mr. Tangen’s email address.
Please answer me as soon as possible so that I can start explaining to you this case and how NBIM might be partaking in a pattern of racketeering activity simply by owning stocks of McDonald’s Corporation.
Once I have Ms. Smith Ihenacho’s email address, I will start explaining to the 4 of you (including Mr. Tangen) and my communications to you will be transparently CC’ed to the Assistant Legal Attaché of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2023-04-06_2343_0800_email_to_trond_grande_and_dag_huse_about_carine_smith_ihenacho_Redacted.pdfTo gain a clearer understanding of the sequence of events in this case, I invite you to view a detailed timeline at the following link:
This timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the key milestones and developments.